Tuesday, August 29, 2006


There have been times in my life when I've felt good about my accomplishments. There have been times when I haven't thought much about them. Then there have been the times when I've felt like a complete loser, and that I had nothing to show for my life. This has happened since childhood when I'd watch the Olympics or Star Search and realize that if I'd only applied myself, maybe I too could've been a gold medal swimmer or the next Christina Aguilera. (Who am I kidding? There's a certain amount of natural talent required to achieve such things.)

A few years ago Christine was visiting and we were at our favorite bar. There we ran into an acquaintance of hers from college. The girl was getting married the next day - hooray for her. Christine returned home and I called her after I'd looked at the wedding announcements in the Sunday paper. I remember leaving a voicemail that sounded a lot like this: "Did you know that so-and-so is a lawyer? A lawyer! Her new husband's a lawyer too! She's a lawyer and I'm a loser! A loser! Good day." I don't begrudge people their success by any means. You deserve to make six figures your first year out of college if you're willing to work 100 hours a week. I am not.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when I saw so-and-so's picture on a campaign sign. A campaign sign for county judge, no less. I shook my head all the way home, then told Joe about it. He actually knows her (a city of 1.1 million is not so big after all) and said she's favored to win. A judge. At age 33. I thought you had to at least have gray hair to qualify for such stuff.

I'll be over here sitting in the corner and feeling like a loser with nothing to show for her life until the first Tuesday in November. At the earliest.


Blogger mainely stitching said...


I so relate to what you're saying....

5:13 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

I was just about to post this! Only on mine I was going to add a few of her more juicy college tales.

Like I said earlier, "I could blow the roof off this shit!"

It's a damn good thing I'm a nice person, or I'd be calling the papers now with all my blackmail goods.

Kasey - she was the girl who lived in D-301 w/everyone the year before we did. Oh yeah...HER. I'm sure you remember some of the stories. Makes our M.B. monday's look like nothing.

5:15 PM  
Blogger MysteryGirl said...

Ok, thanks for clarifying! I thought if she went to college with you, I must know who she was. A judge at 33? I would love to be an overachiever like this.
Maybe she has T.Hair & God campaigning for her.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Melody said...

OMG, I completely understand. In fact, just recently I was feeling less than achieved myself.

You see, I went back to school after my divorce and worked two jobs, went to school full time, blah blah blah to get my bachelors degree. I was soooo sooo proud of myself.

It eventually allowed me to get the job I have now at a significant salary increase. I was sitting on top of the world.

Well a friend of mine who has changed jobs three times in the past year because "well, it just wasn't what I wanted, but I don't know what I want" - has recently been offered yet another job at 3x times my salary for doing huh...not much.

My theory and I am not feeling sorry for myself but I do believe this happens is that she is tiny and cute. I'm not saying she isn't smart and capable, but she has no interest in applying herself beyond 9-5 and will tell you that up front.

So then, why do people keep paying her outrageous salaries for glorified sales (non-commision) jobs.

This is when I realize I need to put myself out there more and not be satisfied with average.

Sorry, didn't mean to rant.

8:06 AM  
Blogger A. Gator said...

I bet she does have gray hair, even though she's only 33. That should make you feel a little bit better.

Someday you must share these stories, C. (save them for a drunk night out)!!!

6:40 PM  
Blogger mainely stitching said...

What in the name of all that's good and holy have you got for a profile picture? Good god, I'll have nightmares tonight!

I'm actually here to ask if you'd email me. I came across something recently that just screamed "CORY!" to me that I'd like to send. My email is chatterton@planet.nl

But please, put me out of my misery and tell me what on earth that picture is!

11:44 AM  

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