Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I am Outraged, But What Else is New?

I just finished reading The Other Man: A Love Story: John F. Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Bessette, and Me because sometimes I just need a break from The Wall Street Journal and all the classics. I don’t idolize the Kennedys, and I didn’t think that John and Carolyn were perfect human beings, but sister got sold out. Michael Bergin was her boyfriend before John and is best known for being the Calvin Klein underwear guy after Marky Mark. This book was so wrong in so many ways, that he should have waited for Carolyn’s parents to die before he published it. If any ex-boyfriend of mine wrote a book which revealed my crazy and violent behavior, clinginess, mood swings, sleeping around, two abortions, and cheating on my husband, I would rise from the grave and fuck his ass up. On the last pages he wrote about how he wanted to set the record straight, that she wasn’t a drug addict, etc. Well, thank you very much from Carolyn because you went above and beyond and portrayed a woman who was batshit crazy. I think she would have preferred people thinking she was merely a coke head. He gratuitously added in things like the time that Candace Bushnell came over to interview him and they slept together immediately. He also threw in specifics about Marky Mark being fired from the CK campaign. He tried to justify his behavior by saying that he was proud of the book and thought that Carolyn would approve, because the book told the real truth. Yeah, the real unflattering truth. This book was self serving and disrespectful, and he should be ashamed of himself. No wonder I found this on the clearance shelf and Barnes & Noble. Watch your back asshole, you’re not too pretty to hit.


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