Sunday, March 26, 2006

More on Where I Live

Lex and Terry named it Freakville for a reason. This weekend there was a big barbecue festival. I don't know why, stop asking me. I didn't attend, but heard that Robbie Knievel was going to be there as the main attraction. His plan was to ride his motorcycle from one barge over the St. Johns River to another. Well, the wind was too strong and he had to cancel. The newspaper reported that there were quite a few pissed off rednecks out there. I guess I would be too if I cared enough to pay $20.00 to watch a Knievel cheat death.

This past week was also The Players Championship which is a huge thing if you care about golf. I do not. Joe and I went out to the very overpriced and very overrated Morton's last night to celebrate his birthday. Apparently Fred Funk was at the table behind us, and even joined in singing Happy Birthday. He's a famous golfer, but I've never heard of him.

That's about as exciting as it gets around here. I can hear you laughing at me Mary.


Blogger Fightin' Mad Mary said...

I was grocery shopping at the Ralphs in Studio City and Eric McCormack was in line in front of me. Then I went up to Runyan Canyon and Jeff Probst was waiting for my husband and I to leave so he could take our parking spot....even for me this was far from a normal weekend!
Fred Funk sounds like a DJ...never heard of him either.

1:51 AM  
Blogger Cory said...

I would surely make a fool of myself on a daily basis if I lived in LA. Whenever I've seen a celebrity, I act like I don't recognized them, or that I'm way too cool to acknowledge them, but on the inside I'm like OMG! Happened all the time when I worked in a restaurant.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

Every time you want to bash your city...just think of living in this redneck haven. Oh yeah...surrounded by Alabama and Georgia...northwest Florida is one scary place. When it gets overwhelming, repeat after me, "At least I have a Dunkin' Donuts...poor Christine doesn't have shit in her town." I'd give my right arm to live in that place. Ok, maybe not my arm...but most certainly my most favorite pair of shoes.

I'd be scared to see what Lex and Terry would name this town.

Word verification: tiktzs...what drunk rednecks scream for you to show.

10:44 AM  

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