Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Britney is an Immature Whore

I just read that Britney Spears gave birth to the Federfetus. I can't take credit for that name, but I sure do like it. I already feel so sorry for this child. She actually scheduled a C-section to avoid the pain of regular child birth. Who does that? She is obviously not mature enough to have a baby and her priorities are all screwed up. "In the October issue of Elle, Spears said she looked forward to motherhood, proclaiming, 'I'm gonna be a hot mom!'" Yeah, because that's what it's all about. Stupid bitch.

P.S. If anyone arrives here because they Googled Britney Spears+Immature Whore+Stupid Bitch, give me a shout out. I think we'd get along really well.


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